martes, 16 de septiembre de 2008

Andrew y los q le rodean

alexander andrew para usuario
0:00 (8 minutos antes)

my borther there is no perfect marriage, no marriage is best.It takes God to build a union called marriage.To my best,my family have a lot of confidence on me,and i have always been at my best not to let the people around me down because to trust is difficult.

Being at the pole position in my office have realy exposed me to a lot of things in life and i have also learnt to be responsible and result oriented because a lot of people depends on me for their respective earns and obligations of life.I will always advice people to think more about others and we would surelly have a hand of friendship.

Meanwhile,have you contacted Alan Shephard Esq for the on-line account ? I have called Him on that,He should be expecting your mail like i informed Him.

Gallofa Potipoti y Tejo para alexander mostrar detalles 0:08 (1 minuto antes) Responder
I know finding a perfect marriage is impossible (but I hope the 15M$ Im gonna get help me on that)
I always trust in the people till they do something I cannot forgive. For instance, my brother stole my Mercedes one day and I dont talk to him since then... If only he would ask for the car...
You really seem to care about your family and people around you. with me you are being very nice and I would like to pay you back some day.

Regarding Mr Alan, I dont know what happened but everytime I try to send the email an error appears in my screen.This is the error message: Mail Delivery Subsystem para usuario mostrar detalles 23:57 (0 minutos antes) Responder

This is an automatically generated Delivery Status NotificationDelivery to the following recipient failed permanently: Technical details of permanent failure:



Fijate por donde q creo plenamente su parrafo en el q dice q es result oriented y q de el depende gente... obviamente no en el sentido q me quiere hacer creer xD

se dara cuenta de que he puesto yaho ???

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