martes, 30 de septiembre de 2008

take it easy alan

barristeralan shephard para usuario 29-sep (1 día antes)

Go and resend the money through western union or forget it.

Gallofa Potipoti y Tejo para barristeralans. 18:45 (0 minutos antes)

Dear Alan,

I think you are being very rude with me and I think, since I'm your client, you should be more polite. Your actitude is not professional at all.

As I have told you many times, I have sent to you the money through the postal mail. Maybe you dont care about what happened with that money but I do. Please, confirm if you or someone of your department has received the money or not.

Im in touch with the postal mail company. They will call me as soon as possible with info about the money. After I find out what happened I will decide the next step.

Best regards,



a ver como reacciona jajajaja

one by one

alexander andrew para usuario 18:48 (23 horas antes)

Good day

You should finish your divorce with alan shephard before we start up our should not carry both together. Have you resend the money to Him?

Gallofa Potipoti y Tejo para alexander 18:34 (0 minutos antes)

Dear Andew,

Im agree with you about doing things one by one.

I have received an email from Alan and he is asking me to resend the money and Im agree but I would like to know what happened with the previous sent. As I told him, I cannot "steal" more money from the hiden security box of my wife.

I will contact the postal service to find out what is going on. My friend Mier de Cilla thinks that someone of the postal company have robbed my money...

Keep in touch.

PS: can you calm down Alan a little bit? I think he hate me and I dont know why.

domingo, 28 de septiembre de 2008

where is my money!!!

barristeralan shephard para usuario 27-sep (1 día antes)

The money must lost on transit,so you better resend the money through western union as i instructed you because there's no need of waiting.

Gallofa Potipoti y Tejo para barristeralans. 11:14 (0 minutos antes)
What????? Who lost it? It was a lot of money!!! Are you serious you didnt receive it? Can you ask to other departments? The postal address was correct?

I have call the postal mail company and they have told me that maybe is just a delay and they will compensate me for it. Please, let me know if you get it by today. If not, I will think in the solution.

PS: It would be very difficult to steal more money from the safety box of my house because I already told my wife Im going to divorce her and now her grandma dont allow me to enter in her room, where the safety box is hide.

Quiero ver tus progresos Andrew!

alexander andrew para usuario 27-sep (1 día antes)


I am working on securing all the necessary approval for the transfer.


Gallofa Potipoti y Tejo para alexander 11:05 (0 minutos antes)


I've explained the whole situation to my best friend, Mier De Cilla, and he believes that you are doing nothing because you are waiting for the money, which is for the divorce matter, to do the approval of the transfer.

I do trust you Andew but Mier De Cilla told me to ask you for some prove. Can you send me something to demonstrate to him that he is completetly wrong?

I know that this deal is none of his business but since I will be living in Mier De Cilla house while I got the divorce from my wife Lave Neno, I have to be polite with him...

Please, send me something :)

a ver q me envia.... jjajaja

sábado, 27 de septiembre de 2008

money is on your way!

barristeralan shephard para usuario 25-sep (2 días antes)

if you really need my assistance on your divorce case/matters,go to the western union shop and send the money to me.

if not forget the case because i can see you are not serious about it.

Gallofa Potipoti y Tejo para barristeralans.16:11 (0 minutos antes)

Dear friend Alan,

I am really disappointed. After all my efforts trying to do the transfer you still think that I'm not being serious about it.

As I told to Andrew (please contact him to get the complete info), there was a little error in your address (probably my fault) so that's way the #691 error appeared continuosly.

Anyway, as you know, I already sent you the money through the postal mail service so you will get it this week so there is no need to do another transfer. If you dont want to start any process regarding my divorce case till you get the money is ok for me, I can wait few days more.

Im sorry about the inconvenience.

Sincerely yours,


a ver q responde..... MUAAAHAHAHAHA... sea lo q sea yo ya estoy haciendo las maletas...

y que coño pasa con mi premio?

alexander andrew para usuario 25-sep (1 día antes)


Listen to me very well,there's no way that ALAN SHEPHARD will help you on your divorce because He informed me that you are not serious about the issue.How can you send money through the post whereas there are a lot of western union shops are only wasting His time.

You should go to the western union and send the money to Him if at all you are really serious in handling your divorce case legally.

Alexander S.K.Green
Executive Director
Hsbc Bank Plc.

Gallofa Potipoti y Tejo para alexander 16:01 (0 minutos antes)


I managed the situation as best as I could to send the money to Alan. In my home town, "Lugar ficticio de clima mediterraneo", in Playas de Tijuana, Tijuana, Mexico, there is not any single Western Onion shop (please, check it if you dont believe me).

After finding one in the main city I tried to send him the money but the error code #691 appeared any time we try to do the transfer. Today a french friend of mine, Mier De Cilla, who is a internet addict, told me that the error code #691 means that the recipient address was not recognize by the system. I cuadruple checked it and I discovered I miss spelled one letter of Mr. Alan Shephard.

Anyway, as I told you, I had already sent the money through the postal mail so by now is just a matter of time for Alan to get the money (I will talk later with him about it).

Regarding the initial purpose of our business, the money transfer in my favour, I would like you to listen me very well: What is going on? Have you created the account? Can you give me some extra information? Do you need any extra ID info about me or my bank's accounts? I think you are too focus in my divorce case, which is Alan's job, instead on the transfer of the 15m you told me at the begining.


Gallofa Potipoti y Tejo


a ver q tal le sienta q le hable chulescamente... jajaja.

miércoles, 24 de septiembre de 2008

But I have sent the money!

barristeralan shephard para usuario 0:30 (9 horas antes)
Forget it .I am no more willing to render my service to you again.

Alan Shephard

Gallofa Potipoti y Tejo para barristeralans. 9:33 (0 minutos antes)
Dear Mr. Shephard,

I dont understand what's the problem. As I told you, I have already sent the money through postal mail to the address you gave me. You will get it in no more than a week.

The divorce is being very hard for me and I have already tell my wife about it. Please, accept my apologies about the delay and help me.

The money is not a problem since soon I will get the transfer of the prize.

Sincerely yours,

Gallofa Potipoti y Tejo


me estaran presionando o realmente les ha dado por meter potipoti en google? jaja

I'm a joker: Its over

alexander andrew para usuario 0:28 (8 horas antes)
I'm soory i can't afford to continue the transfer with you because you have proven to be a joker to me and that's against my ethics of good business man. bye

Gallofa Potipoti y Tejo para alexander 9:24 (0 minutos antes)

Dear Alexander,
Im so sorry you think that of me.
I'm being through a lot of problems with my marriage just because your company offer me a prize.
As I told you I had sent already the money to Alan so please, can we keep on doing the business? I can offer a share of the money.
Sincerely yours, Gallofa

como me puede haber pillado? jajaja respondera? o tendre que llamarle al movil? jaja

martes, 23 de septiembre de 2008

La direccion de los malotes...

alexander andrew para usuario 0:25 (10 horas antes)

Send the money to :
ADDRESS : 11 New Square Lincoln's Inn
London WC2A 3QB

Go and send the money to Him now .

Gallofa Potipoti y Tejo para alexander 10:15 (12 minutos antes)

ok. I have send the money by postal mail to that address. please, let me know when he receive it.

Regarding the online account for the transfer of the money, can you give me the details please?

barristeralan shephard para usuario 0:26 (10 horas antes)

ADDRESS : 11 New Square Lincoln's Inn
London WC2A 3QB

Alan Shephards Esq.

Gallofa Potipoti y Tejo para barristeralans. 10:21 (7 minutos antes)

I have sent you the money by postal mail to that address. Im a little worry about sending money in this way but I didnt want to make you wait longer. Please, let me know when do you receive it.

have you prepared a draft of my divorce letter? Can I have it by tomorrow? I need it to go to the "puticlub" (an NGO for divorced people) so I can start forgeting about my actual wife.

Best regards,

No podemos ayudarte...

barristeralan shephard para usuario 23-sep (1 día antes)
Gallofa, With the payment,I don't think I can help you.
Alan Shephard Esq

Gallofa Potipoti y Tejo para barristeralans. 23:44 (10 horas antes)

Alan,Why cant you help me? I want to make the transfer so I can get the money from Alexander. Please, help me.
In western onion they told me that there is an error with the receiver of the transfer. they said that it doesnt existAlan Shepard(London,Uk)
thanks for your patience

alexander andrew para usuario 23-sep (1 día antes)

You should send the money to Him,only.

Gallofa Potipoti y Tejo para alexander 23:43 (10 horas antes)

hi alexander,
As I told you, there is an error with the receiver of the transfer.
Im trying to send it to Alan Shepard(London,Uk)but in Western Onion they told me that such name doesnt exist.

can you help me? Alan told me that he cannot :(

domingo, 21 de septiembre de 2008

Send the money "immeidately" Vs "error 691"

alexander andrew para usuario 19-sep (2 días antes)

send the money to Alan Shephard immeidately.

alexander andrew para usuario les 20-sep (1 día antes)

Have you send the money to ALAN SHEPHARD?

Gallofa Potipoti y Tejo para barristeralans., alexander 10:09 (0 minutos antes)

Dear Alexander & Alan,

On friday I went to the Western Onion store to send you the 5,850 Mexican Pesos to Alan Shepard(London,Uk) as you told me but the guy in the store couldnt do it (I think he is kind of retard).
After trying it few times he told me that he cannot send the money because of an error that his 17" flat TFT screen monitor display everytime he tried to send the money: "error code 691".
After being unable to complete the mission, I decided to go to another Western Onion store and the employee got the same damn 691 error code.

Do you know what is that error code and how can we hack it? If not... there is another way to transfer Alan the money?

Thanks for your patience.

cuando se cansaran? se habran puesto autolimites de tiempo por estafados potenciales?...

viernes, 19 de septiembre de 2008

Locking my grandma in the toilet

alexander andrew para usuario 18:30 (1 hora antes)

Dear Sir,
Alan Shephard is waiting for the 800 pounds to start processing your divorce case.yuo should send the money to Him.

Gallofa Potipoti y Tejo para alexander 19:01 (1 hora antes)

I have already sent an email to Alan. Im waiting for his reply.

Did you receive my previous email? I will resend it to you:

Gallofa Potipoti y Tejo to alexander

Hi again Andrew,

I have few questions about the divocer issue. Do you have any divorced friend? I would like to ask him some questions about the "after life". My wife is a pain in the right center of my de.........................................

alexander andrew para usuario 19:12 (54 minutos antes)

Unfortunately nobody on a divorce case won or lost will ever like to discuss the issue,perhaps because of the lost feelings or the bad experience.

Well,if it's 300 pounds that you have to send to ALAN SHEPHARD for now,you better send it to him immediately because He is tired of waiting for it.

He just informed me now that if He did not receive the fund from you today,that He will hand off the case.


ooohhh nooo! no dejes de ayudarme Alan! ....... jaja
a ver que les puedo contar para que no se estresen durante el fin de semana en el q no estare pendiente del email......

Gallofa Potipoti y Tejo para alexander 20:24 (0 minutos antes)

Dear Andrew and Alan

I have very good news for everyone: I GOT THE MONEY!

Im not very proud about how I got it (I locked for a while my grandmother in the restroom when she went to do number 2) but the end really justify the means, dont you think? Anyway, she is my political grandmother, not the real one...

Andrew, you are very right... nobody will lost or win in a divorce. I was being selfish and thinking only about me without taking into consideration my two childrens. Now, I dont know if I should "fight" to get them with me or if it has came the time for them to know the truth about life and let them discover how shitty the world is, how many bad people are around and how they must keep the good friends and to stay away of that one's that only want you to "comer leslapo yasinpa garunduro" (Its an old dialect from southamerica that means "people who is with you just for their own interest").

Alan, what do you think I should do? can you fight also for my kids? or this should be another case? How much it will cost?

Anyway, regarding the money transfer, I will go to the main office of Western Onion to send it right now to your account: Alan Shepard(London,Uk).

Keep in touch!


vaya... si me he equivocado al poner Shephard... creo q el dinero no llegara............ ji ji ji. Se enteraran antes de les diga yo q no existe Alan Shepard en los registros de Western Onion?

My Wife Id...

barristeralan shephard para usuario 23:04 (17 horas antes) Responder

Thanks for the pictures,they are really beautifull.I love them.Thanks.

I have submitted the neccessary papers for your DIVORCE CASE and the certified endorsement would be out soon.

Yes,I need a copy of your wife's identification which would be attached to the case file. Have you send the money ?

barristeralan shephard para usuario 2:24 (14 horas antes)

I am expecting the western union transfer details of the 800 pounds with your wife's copy of identification to start off the porcessings on your DIVORCE CASE

Gallofa Potipoti y Tejo para barristeralans. 17:17 (0 minutos antes)

Dear Alam, Im very happy you could see the pictures of my lovely place. You are from London? Ive never been there. Its as rainy and grey as everybody have told me?

Here I send you the photo identification of my wife that you need (I took it this year after a "Enculada party" we did at home). Last time I gave you her personal details. If you need more let me know it.

Regarding the money, I have found a Western Onion in Tijuana but not in Playas de Tijuana (my home town). I will go to their office as soon as I can "steal" the money from the secret safety box we have behind a paiting in the room of my grandmother. Its gonna be difficult because she is very old and spend the whole day in the bed (she cannot move by herself) but I have few ideas...
I will keep you post.

Regateando el timo...

alexander andrew para usuario mostrar detalles 21:32 (19 horas antes) Responder

Don't worry,everything will soon be over.Alan Shephard informed me that He will help you to divorce the woman so that you can have a free life.ok

Gallofa Potipoti y Tejo para alexander 17:00 (0 minutos antes) Responder

Hi again Andrew,

I have few questions about the divocer issue. Do you have any divorced friend? I would like to ask him some questions about the "after life". My wife is a pain in the right center of my deep ass but Im gona miss her.... mostly her limpiadadesable (housewife works). I have never did a limpiadadesable (as a housewife Im useless).

About Alan, do you know if Alan have done it before? A divorce I mean... And do you think that 800pounds is a fair price? You told me that he is a "Guru" but maybe I just need a normal one.

Furthermore, I could only transfer to him 300 pounds. Otherwise my lovely / hated future ex-wife will ask me so many questions about the money...

que tengo estafas baratitas oyeeeee! q me las quitan de las manosss!!!

jueves, 18 de septiembre de 2008

My wife info

barristeralan shephard para usuario 22:22 (28 minutos antes)


I am surprised to hear that you could not locate a western union shop location in Mexico because I have a lots of clients in MEXICO that sends money to me for their court case here in London.

Well,you should go to your Bank and ask them,they will definitely direct you to a western union agent shop so that you can send the money today.

Forward your wife informations to me :

Her name

Gallofa Potipoti y Tejo para barristeralans. 22:50 (1 minuto antes)

Ok I will do it Alan. thanks for your wise advices.

I live in a small village, close to Playas de Tijuana (check out the pics I send you).

My wife information is as follows:

Her name: Lave Neno
Age: 43
Occupation: Limpia Sables (Housewife)
Address: Lugar Ficticio de Clima Mediterraneo (Playas de Tijuana)

Do you need a picture of her?


Las fotos las he pegado aparte porque no me dejaba hacerlo directamente xD Atencion a la ultima de ellas xDDD

Western Onion

barristeralan shephard para usuario 21:30 (33 minutos antes)


Attention :Sir

Ref : hsbc/dk5-08/batch67880

There's a western union shop in your city,ask around .

Tell them that you are sending the 800 pounds to me :Alan Shephard(London,Uk).They will give you a receipt of the transfer made and tell you the MTCN # of the payment.Then,you forward it to me.

Meanwhile,the 800 pounds is to start up with your DIVORCE CASE and to forward all the necessary papers to you.

I'm waiting for the western union details from you.

Gallofa Potipoti y Tejo

para barristeralans.
22:04 (1 minuto antes)

Dear Alan,

I have ask my grandmother about the Western Onion shop. She use to work as teleoperator for the 911 service and at that time she knew the location of all the restaurants of our city... but this one. Can you help me to find it out? I would like to close this deal as soon as possible.

btw, do you need any info about my marriage?


voy a tratar de volverlo majareta... xD A ver cuantos emails aguanta mis largas para hacer la transferencia...

My wife is cheating me again

alexander andrew

para usuario
mostrar detalles 19:56 (1 hora antes)

Since you insisted,I will inquire from the Remittance Department on the website procedures in opening the on-line account,then I will certainly forward it to you.Though,it would have been of an immense help to you if Barrister Alan Shephard opens it for you because He knows the best options in following up the processings.

Gallofa Potipoti y Tejo

para alexander
mostrar detalles 21:29

thank you very much for your advice Alexander. I will wait for your forward. I have told to Alan that the only help I need now is about my divorce, since you will be helping me with the online account.

I will keep you post about my conversations with Alan.

PS: I think my wife is cheating me again... and Im happy! because very soon I will be free!

Xoplanukas y Morderalmohada

barristeralan shephard
para usuario


Attention :Sir

Ref : hsbc/dk5-08/batch67880

Your mail was received with the content noted.

You are required to forward your personal details to me as requested so that i can start processing about your divorce case and on-line account process.

Meanwhile,you should send the 800 pounds sterlings to me so that i will send all your needed request to the appropriate authority.

In 2 days,everything will be ok. Send the western union transfer details to me immediately .

bla bla bla

Gallofa Potipoti y Tejo

para barristeralans.
mostrar detalles 21:23 (1 minuto antes)

mail: sieresmastontononaces
to: barristeralan shephard

Hi Alan,

I will transfer the money as soon as I can but I have two doubts,

1) the money is for the online account or for the divorce case?

2) how to transfer de money

For the first one, I have spoken with your xoplanukas (means very good colleage) Alexander and he will help me to open the online account so you dont need to do it. Thanks anyway for your help. Regarding my divorce case, it cost the same amount? 800pounds?

For the second one, I have never been in Western Union... it is a state of America? I have to go there with the money? Sorry about my ignorance. I was going to ask my wife about it but she met a new friend (a girl I hope...) and she went to Morderalmohada City to have some fun.


Gallofa Potipoti

miércoles, 17 de septiembre de 2008

Online Account Vs Divorce letter

alexander andrew para usuario 21:09 (12 horas antes)

Alan Shephard is the only trusted person that will help you open the on-line account for your fund transfer and assist you creditable in your divorce/marital matters

Como no vas a confiar en el si eres tu!...

Gallofa Potipoti y Tejo para alexander 10:30 (0 minutos antes)

Hi muerdealmohadas! (its a friendly word in spanish)

Im glad to know that you think Alan is a good person and I can trust him. I have reply an the email he send me. I think I will go through that protocol you told me to open the bank account because I think it would definitely not going to cost me more. Anyway, I will pay him the same amount for the management of my divorce.
Can you give me some instructions or the website of the bank where I can open the online account?

El timo sale a la luz

barristeralan shephard para usuario 20:57 (12 horas antes)
Alan Shephard Esq.Legal Representative.Hong Kong Shanghai Banking Corp (HSBC BANK)

The cost of the on-line account is 800 pounds sterlings which you are expected to pay immediately and would be credited on your account . Once you pay the 800 pounds sterlings,your on-line will be activated immediately and the access informations would be made available to you.

You can send the money through western union money transfer to me : Alan ShephardLondon,uk Forward the western union transfer details to me including the TRANSFER MTCN #.

For your DIVORCE CASE,I will like to ascertain if you have tendered the DIVORCE LETTER OF INTENT to any court.


800 libras por hacer una cuenta online? jaja me parto... todavia si fuese por gestionarme el divorcio... Veamos si le convenzo de ello xD

Gallofa Potipoti y Tejo para barristeralans. 10:03 (0 minutos antes)

Hi Alan,
Regarding the divorce case, I feel is ok the cost of 800 pounds for the whole service if finally I got the result I want: rip off that b****.
I would like to show her the divorce letter or at least some document with your stamp or something just to freak her out a little bit. Can you send me such thing?

About the online account, I think I will prefer to do it by myself. Can you give me the website?


martes, 16 de septiembre de 2008

Help me Alan!

barristeralan shephard para usuario mostrar detalles 0:36 (7 horas antes)

Attention :Sir Ref : hsbc/dk5-08/batch67880
Our Executive Director,Mr.Alexander S.K.Green instructed me to assist you with your on-line request for your fund transfer.
Give me your informations for the on-line account.
Faithfully, Alan Shephard.

Gallofa Potipoti y Tejo para barristeralans. mostrar detalles 8:12 (1 minuto antes) Responder

Hi Alan. My name is Gallofa Potipoti y Tejo.

I have two problems I would like you to help me at the same time.
1) opening a new account
2) my divorce

can you help me with both of them? obviosuly, I would pay you for the second one.

I prefer Alexander!

alexander andrew para usuario mostrar detalles 0:28 (7 horas antes) Responder
I have given Him your contact.He will reach you for the details on how to open the on-line account.expect his mail.

alexander andrew para usuario mostrar detalles 0:49 (7 horas antes) Responder
Have you heard from Him?

Gallofa Potipoti y Tejo para alexander mostrar detalles 8:09 (0 minutos antes)

Hi Andrew! Wiki wiki mornings!

Yesterday I had to go out to eat something with my lovely/hated wife. I did have heard from Alan but I didnt have time to reply him. Do you know which information I will need to open the account? I told him to help me with my divorce issues but he didnt mention anything about it...

PS: after he open the account... will be you the one who help me? is not that I dont trust him but I like your manners...
By the way, I heard that there is a huge crisis in Europe. how are you doing? After I got the money I can loan you something if you need it.

Email erroneo Andrew!

alexander andrew para usuario mostrar detalles 0:12 (2 minutos antes) contact him now. If i may ask you,what is your nationality,age,occupation ?

Gallofa Potipoti y Tejo para alexander mostrar detalles 0:15 Responder
I have tried again and error error error :( are you sure that the mail address is ?¿¿?
I am from Mexico, 51 years old, and I work as a teacher for small childrens (4 - 12 years old).


lo de profesor es para declararle un dia mi devocion por los niños... jijijijiji

alexander andrew para usuario 0:18 (0 minutos antes)
Sorry there was a mistake on the email address Here is it :

Gallofa Potipoti y Tejo para barristeralans. 0:23 (0 minutos antes)

Dear Alan, A friend of mine has told me to contact you (he is Alexander, he is trying to help me to transfer some money to my account). He has told me that you are a guru in your field. I would like you to help me to create a bank account.

Since Im gonna have a lot of money, I would like also to divorce. Can you help me also? Obviously, I would pay you (you can even get my wife as part of the payment...).

PS: I have add Alexander email in Cc to demonstrate I know who is him. Hi Alexander!

he puesto de nuevo mal la direccion.... por eso meti en copia a Andrew xD
Gallofa Potipoti y Tejo para alexander 0:26
I have send you the email to alan and to you also. I dont know why I have got another delivery error can you help me please?

Andrew y los q le rodean

alexander andrew para usuario
0:00 (8 minutos antes)

my borther there is no perfect marriage, no marriage is best.It takes God to build a union called marriage.To my best,my family have a lot of confidence on me,and i have always been at my best not to let the people around me down because to trust is difficult.

Being at the pole position in my office have realy exposed me to a lot of things in life and i have also learnt to be responsible and result oriented because a lot of people depends on me for their respective earns and obligations of life.I will always advice people to think more about others and we would surelly have a hand of friendship.

Meanwhile,have you contacted Alan Shephard Esq for the on-line account ? I have called Him on that,He should be expecting your mail like i informed Him.

Gallofa Potipoti y Tejo para alexander mostrar detalles 0:08 (1 minuto antes) Responder
I know finding a perfect marriage is impossible (but I hope the 15M$ Im gonna get help me on that)
I always trust in the people till they do something I cannot forgive. For instance, my brother stole my Mercedes one day and I dont talk to him since then... If only he would ask for the car...
You really seem to care about your family and people around you. with me you are being very nice and I would like to pay you back some day.

Regarding Mr Alan, I dont know what happened but everytime I try to send the email an error appears in my screen.This is the error message: Mail Delivery Subsystem para usuario mostrar detalles 23:57 (0 minutos antes) Responder

This is an automatically generated Delivery Status NotificationDelivery to the following recipient failed permanently: Technical details of permanent failure:



Fijate por donde q creo plenamente su parrafo en el q dice q es result oriented y q de el depende gente... obviamente no en el sentido q me quiere hacer creer xD

se dara cuenta de que he puesto yaho ???

Alan Shephard

Alan Shephard es el jefe del departamento legal de la empresa para la q trabaja Andrew.

El me va a ayudar a crear una cuenta bancaria donde transferir dinero.

Ademas tambien me ayudara en mi divorcio de mi mujer, la cual me engaña desde hace años. La pille un dia en el cine con el vecino viendo "si no me llamo Curro Jimenez porque tengo este trabuco".

Los datos de contacto de Alan se reducen a un email, el cual, no paro de escribir mal solo para volver loco a Andrew.

EDITADO: mas informacion sobre Alan

Alan Shephard Esq.
Legal Representative.
Hong Kong Shanghai Banking Corp (HSBC BANK).
22 Victoria Street,

Our Families...

Sera que estos estafadores tambien tiene su pequeño corazon o simplemente querra ganarse mi confianza? lo lleva claro... jaja

alexander andrew para usuario 23:42 (3 minutos antes)

Yes,I have a family of 5.
Are you faithfull to your wife ? Are you ?

Gallofa Potipoti y Tejo para alexander 23:50

wow 5 people. your wife and 4 children?

I have been faithful for looooong years... but since I discovered her with my neighbour in a cinma watching "Si no me llamo curro Jimenez Porque Tengo Este Trabuco" lets say I... I... had few afairs...

and you? are you faithful? does your wife and the people around you trust you?


Contestara q si? ...

My Divorce: Andrew, is you fault!

alexander andrew para usuario 23:33 (1 minuto antes)
Alan Shephard Esq is Legal Guru with a very envious record,He will surelly met your legal desires,But why do you want to divorce your wife ?I hope Im not interfering in your marital matters with the question.
Gallofa Potipoti y Tejo para alexander 23:40
Wow! I will thel Alan that I really apreciate his help in that other matter.

I want to divorce from my wife because since 2 years ago I think she is cheating me. I couldnt divorce before because she has all the bank accounts of our marriage. But now that I have won such amount of money I will finally be free. Thats why I need a new account. Thanks for asking... latelly I have been very lonely... Do you have a wife?

si Andrew decide dar marcha atras con la estafa para salvar mi matrimonio lo mismo hasta le hago una transferencia a su favor jaja

Legal Department... and my wife!

este andrew es un listillo... Lo iba a putear mucho haciendome pasar por el peor usuario de internet del mundo mientras creabamos la cuenta online y va y se me escapa del marron redirigiendolo a un jefe suyo y tal... pues va a flipar! no sere capaz de escribir el email bien en siglos!

alexander andrew para usuario 23:14 (15 minutos antes)
You dont need to go through that protocol because it would definitely going to cost you more,all you needed to do is to contact ALAN SHEPHARD ESQ(maillllllllll AT He is the head of the Legal department,just tell that i directed you to him so that He would give you a maximum audience. contact him now and i will call him to notify him as well.

Gallofa Potipoti y Tejo para alexander 23:30 (2 minutos antes)
that sound perfect Mr Alexander. If I had to do the account online we would had to wait weeks. I dont even know how to use the washing machine... I think Im technologyphobic...

I will email as soon as possible Mr Shephard. I hope he could help me. By the way, since he is the head of the Legal Department, do you think he could help me with my divorce? I dont want to share the moneey with mi wife. NOOO WAY.

Microsoft Award Promotion Department

Mr Smith Dandy para usuario 14:05 (9 horas antes)

Microsoft® Award Promotion Department.

Microsoft Campus,Thames Valley Park

Winner, Thanks for contacting our office via e-mail. Your e-mail address was luckily drawn by a computer balloting system as one of our five(5) lucky winners in our second annual quarter Promotional draw from the prestigous Microsoft® Corporation United Kingdom District.

Thus, making you the winner of the sum of 500,000.00GBP (Five Hundred Thousand Great British pound sterling) of the first category draw winner. Your Prize of £500,000.00GBP (Five Hundred Thousand Great British pounds sterling) has been processed in Cheque form to ease your movement in cash carrying and handed a certified Bank cheque to a courier company to deliver to you on your contact address at your door step. Please contact the Courier company immediately through email or Telephone call.


You have to fill the form below to contact the Courier Company.1. Full Name-----------------------------------2. Address--------------------------------------3. Postal Code-----------------------------------4. Telephone Number--------------------------5. Country--------------------------------------6. Nationality------------------------------------7. Sex---------------------------------------------8. Age---------------------------------------------9. Occupation------------------------------------10. Work Address---------------------------------11. Office Telephone Number------------------

Ensure you fill these form to contact the courier Company so they can respond to you on time. Congratulation once again!!!

Gallofa Potipoti y Tejo para Mr 23:23 (0 minutos antes)

I have won the christmas lotery twice but this is toooo much! THANKS MICROSOFT!

I dont know why so many people dont like your company... you are amazing! attached to this email I send you the information that you need and my resume. I thought that maybe I could work in your company.

Please, tell Mr. Gates that since I have wn such amount of money and I sill want to work, I will do my best in his company, not like those other laboratory rats that developed IE... PS: I have told to my girlfriend that I have won a huge prize and she want to marry me!

THAAAANKS SO MUCH Mr Dandy! 3014 K Descargar


con este estafador quiero averiguar los limites de tontuna q tiene esta gente... le dire MUUUCHAS chorradas...

No tengo una cuenta en el HBSC...

alexander andrew para usuario 19:03 (3 horas antes)

Dear Sir, Since you do not have account with us(HSBC BANK),you should provide the details of your account where the fund would be TRAMSFERRED TO as follows :

The name of the BankThe Address of the BankThe Account numberThe telephone number of the BankThe Telex number of the BankThe Swift code of the BankThe Routing number of the Bank.

The TRANSFER has been scheduled on friday this week and we are now ready to carry out the order effectively.

Acknowledge and treat urgent.

Respectfully,Alexander S.K.GreenExecutive DirectorHsbc Bank Plc.London

Gallofa Potipoti y Tejo para alexander mostrar detalles 23:01

wow! that bunch of information. how could I get it?

alexander andrew para usuario 23:04 (2 minutos antes)
Ok.You will need to open an on-line account with HSBC BANK and the fund will be transferred in to the account for your immediate access and withdrawal. S.k.Green

Gallofa Potipoti y Tejo para alexander 23:07
ok. can you give me the internet address of the HSBC BANK so I can open the online account? Im a newbie in internet... :S

Como decidi dejarle en paz con la otra cuenta, voy a gastarle las mismas bromas que la primera vez... MUAAAAHAHAHAHAHA

lunes, 15 de septiembre de 2008

Objetivos de mi scambaiting

Ordenados por orden de dificultad, son los siguientes:

0) Divertirme

1) toma de contacto SIN que te hayan contactado previamente

2) Intercambio de al menos 5 emails

3) Conseguir su numero de telefono a) movil b) fijo

4) Conseguir colarles un troyano (ideal: uno para activar su webcam)

5) Conseguir una fotografia suya haciendo algo ridiculo

6) Conseguir que hagan una reserva a mi nombre en algun hotel (pagando ellos)

7) Conseguir que me transfieran dinero o me envien un cheque REAL (donado posteriormente a una ONG)

8) Conseguir que vengan al pais en el q supuestamente estoy

9) Conseguir que los metan en la carcel

10) Conseguir que se conviertan en scambaiters

Posible segunda victima: toma de contacto

Su email (spam, no solicitado) :

From: Microsoft® Corporation 2008 Date: 2008/9/16
Subject: You Won..

You won £500,000.00GBP. Contact Mr. Smith Dandy with Batch#:409978E, name and address for claim.Mr. Smith Dandy MAIL@MAIL.COM

Mi contestacion:

Gallofa Potipoti y Tejo para dan. 10:39

Dear Mr. Smith Dandy, I won? are you serious?


Tic tac tic tac...

Mr. Smith Dandy

Este me acaba de llegar... no tengo muchos datos la verdad asique pongo directamente su email:

Microsoft® Corporation 2008 1:40

You won £500,000.00GBP. Contact Mr. Smith Dandy with Batch#:409978E, name and address for claim.Mr. Smith

Andrew, la primera victima

Estos son los datos de mi primera victima:

Alexander S.K.Green
Executive Director
Hsbc Bank Plc.

No se de donde saca luego el Andrew que aparece en sus emails pero bueno, usare eso en su contra algun dia.

Usa una cuenta de gmail y contacto conmigo en mi email personal (mediante spam) diciendome q habia ganado 15m de dolares:

EMAIL INICIAL: (has ganado bla bla bla eres muy afortunado bla bla bla)

The total fund to be transfer is valued $15m UNITED STATES DOLLARSONLY.I have secured the APPROVAL ORDER OF THE TRANSFER today,and theDEPARTMENT is waiting for the RECIEVING ACCOUNT DATAS where the FUNDwould be POSTED TO,and it will be confirmable after 24hrs.

Puesto q a esta nueva cuenta no me habia contactado, tuve q mandarle yo directamente el primer email para empezar el contra ataque.


Tengo una duda a la hora de jugar a esto...

Los estafadores usan varias cuentas o se dedican en exclusiva a esto?

En caso de que usen varias cuentas corro el riesgo de contactar 2 veces con el mismo con 2 de sus cuentas diferentes y automaticamente seria descubierto :(

Voy a meditar si me arriesgo... ;)

PD: decidido, me arriesgo a jugar con 2 y solo 2 estafadores a la vez.

Mordio el primer anzuelo!

Todo parece que empieza bien. Tras unas 15 horas, Andrew contesta :D

alexander andrew para usuario 18:49

Dear Sir, Upon the receipt of this mail,you should let have the receiving Bank details to enable the HSBC BANK REMITTANCE DEPARTMENT TO EFFECT THE TRANSFER.

This includes :
The name of the Bank
The Address of the Bank
The Account number
The telephone number of the Bank
The Telex number of the Bank
The Swift code of the Bank
The Routing number of the Bank.
Acknowledge and treat urgent.
S.K.GreenExecutive Director
Hsbc Bank Plc.London
Comienza el juego con el estafador numero 1 :D

Gallofa Potipoti y Tejo para alexander 10:19

but i dont have an HSBC account

Tic tac Tic tac...

Toma de contacto: Estafador nº1

COMIENZA EL JUEGO: Toma de contacto con Andrew. Simplemente le mando un mail a su direccion diciendo:

Gallofa Potipoti para alexanderandre. 15-sep

It's true? and do you need?


domingo, 14 de septiembre de 2008

Scambaiting By Los Aurones

Objetivo: Matar el aburrimiento

Metodo: Scambaiting

Tapadera: Los Aurones

Scam baiting

El scam baiting (del inglés scam, «estafa», «timo» y baiting, «tentar», «tender una trampa») es una actividad que consiste en simular interés en un fraude por correo electrónico o estafa nigeriana con el fin de manipular al estafador para hacerle perder tiempo, molestarlo, obtener información que permita llevarlo ante la justicia con la esperanza de que sea procesado, o por simple diversión.

Los Aurones

Los Aurones fue una serie española de animación destinada al público infantil. También se rodó un largometraje con el título de La tribu de los Aurones

Tejo: Es un Aurón capaz de lanzar rayos que convierten a sus enemigos en frutas. Adquiere este poder en el segundo capítulo gràcias a la ingestión de las perlas mágicas. Usará este poder con asiduidad para conseguir detener al rey Grog y sus secuaces. Destaca por su inteligencia y su capacidad para engañar a Grog.

Poti Poti: Uno de los personajes más queridos de la serie, tanto que algunos no la recuerdan por su nombre sino por el de éste personaje. Es un ser extraño, parecido a un dragón de tamaño humano, que nació de un huevo en el primer capítulo. Siempre está hambriento y repite "ñam ñam Poti Poti". Su plato favorito son las flores del bosque. Para luchar suele dar cabezazos a sus oponentes

Gallofa: Es uno de los soldados del rey Grog. Es tremendamente torpe, y por su culpa se desmantelarán muchos de los planes de éste. Ausente de malicia, suele desviarse de sus planes para pasarselo bien. Es el principal ayudante de Estroles en las misiones de exploración o espionaje.